Orthopedic Therapy
Orthopedic Therapy
Orthopedic Therapy
Guardian Sleep Medical is committed to providing patients with effective braces solutions to their unique spinal conditions. Whether it’s providing therapeutic motion restriction, reducing skin breakdown, improving posture or reducing muscle spasm, Guardian Sleep Medical is here to help.
Patients and their physicians can rely on a smooth process working directly with a team of skilled staff members to fill their orthopedic needs.

Featured Products

Horizon 456
The Horizon™ 456 TLSO is designed to provide motion restriction, creating a dynamic environment for healing within the thoracolumbar and lumbar spine.

Horizon 637
The Horizon™ 637 LSO provides trunk stability and targeted compression designed to support fatigued muscles causing secondary back pain resulting from surgery or injury. Moveable, rigid side panels provide lateral support and a comfortable environment for healing.